CSCI 100 Introduction to Computing Technology

This syllabus is found on the Internet at

Course Name: CSCI 100 Introduction to Computing Technology
Section(s): 13
Prerequisite Courses: None
Instructor: Dr. James Ryder
E-mail Address: James.Ryder@Oneonta.Edu
Web Page: Click Here []
Office: Fitzelle Hall 237
Office Hours: After class & by Appt.
Facebook Group: CSCI 100
Meeting Times: Wed. 2:00 - 4:30 HECO 136
Text: New Perspectives On Microsoft Office 365 and Office 2019, Author(s): Carey, ISBN: 9780357025741

Course Description (College Catalog)

An introduction to wordprocessing, database management, spreadsheets, desktop publishing, multimedia software, computer communications (the World Wide Web, Internet, E-mail), library searches, homepage creation, hardware and software troubleshooting, scanning and digital images. Students will use a hands-on approach to explore a variety of hardware and software tools applied to a number of cross-curriculum projects.

Course Outcomes: At the finish of this course each student should be proficient using the following Microsoft Office Productivity Tools. Students will learn to:

  1. use word processing to produce documents such as term papers, resumes, and business letters.
  2. use a database to store, sort, and report categorical information such as address books, bibliographic references, and a small business customer database.
  3. use a spreadsheet to store, sort, compute, and report numerical information such as budgets, inventory predictions, and grade books.
  4. integrate the use of wordprocessing, database, spreadsheets, and images to produce publishable documents.
  5. use e-mail to send, receive, forward, and store messages and attachments.
  6. use a mailing list to correspond with a group of people interested in the same topic.
  7. use the world-wide web to search for information, to do library research, and to create a home page.
  8. do basic troubleshooting through in class instruction about various components of the computer. The components include but are not limited to storage (diskettes, hard disks, zip drives), memory, the display, power, peripherals (printers, scanners, etc.).
  9. use multimedia software to produce a report on a selected topic (e.g. a business presentation).

Specific tools used this semester will include

  1. Microsoft Word
  2. Microsoft Excel
  3. Microsoft Access
  4. Microsoft PowerPoint
  5. Microsoft Windows
  6. Internet tools - Browsers, E-mail, Search Engine
  7. Adobe Photo Shop

Emergency Evacuation/Shelter-In-Place Procedures

In the event of an emergency evacuation (i.e. fire or other emergency), classes meeting in the HECO building are directed to reassemble at the Chase Gym.

Class Attendance & Comportment Policies

As shown below, no percentage of a student's grade will be based solely on physical presence during class instruction. However, being physically present, at all class meetings, is a prerequisite to mentally absorbing the materials presented therein. The instructor of this course shares with you, your interest in you learning as much as possible. Therefore, perfect class attendance, by all students, is strongly recommended.

Participation in the class is also strongly recommended. Honorable demeanor is simply assumed. Any action that inhibits a polite, comfortable, learning process is not allowed. Heated debates, which contain absolutely NO perceived personal affronts, are encouraged!

Attendance may be taken sometimes, maybe always. It will be used to jog memories about your track record with respect to class attendance. If a student appears to not be attending class, the student will be dropped by the instructor. Each student is responsible for all work covered in class regardless of whether he or she attended the class. If you miss class, make sure you contact your instructor to find out what was covered and what new assignments have been give out. Not being in class is never an excuse for not knowing what was covered. It is your (the student's) sole responsibility to ensure that you are aware of all key material and dates. Your instructor is very willing to discuss these things with you but you need to initiate the conversation if you missed class for any reason.

A cell phone is a useful and enjoyable object of technology outside the classroom. Using one in that situation is acceptable. In class, however, letting your cell phone ring, having a conversation, or texting is very distracting and rude. For the benefit of all, it should never happen. Turn your cell phone off before coming to class. Never talk or text on your phone in class!

Course Requirements

No missed quiz, under any circumstance, will be allowed to be taken at a later time or date. Your single lowest homework grade, from homeworks 2 - 11 only, will be dropped. No Exam grades will be dropped.

All exams will be taken with

Students, who miss an exam, must first obtain permission from the instructor to take the exam that he or she missed. Permisson may not be granted! A student may be required to provide verifiable proof of his or her stated reason for missing the exam before being allowed to make up the exam. If permission is given to take the exam, the student will have 1 week from the date that permission is given to make up the examination. Any student missing this time frame will receive a permanent grade of zero for the exam. Only extremely rare cases will be treated differently than just mentioned here. Having general relationship problems, vacations, out of the country or state, "I have to go to Disney World for Thanksgiving ..." (Puerto Vallarta, Cancun, Europe, Myrtle Beach, etc.), Spring Break was too much fun, work, and "I am taking a lot of courses so give me leaway on this one" will not be accepted as reasonable excuses for missing an exam. Of course, in the unfortunate event that you truly encounter extremely serious real life problems or situations during the semester, I will bend over backward to accomodate your needs.

Grading Percentages

Unannounced Quizzes2% for each quiz. There will be between 0 and 3 quizzes given. Each quiz given will reduce the percentage value of Exam 3. For example, if 2 quizzes are given then Exam 3 would be worth 11% of your grade. If none are given, then Exam 3 is worth 15% of your grade.
12 Homeworks55% of your grade (5% each). Your lowest homework grade from homeworks 2 - 11 will be dropped. That means that your Homework 1 and Homework 12 grades are NOT ELIGIBLE TO BE DROPPED. It hurts your overall grade very much if you simply choose to skip a couple of assignments.
Exam 115%    Homeworks 1-6 (MS Windows, computer organization, Copy files, MS Word, MS Excel)
Exam 215%    Homeworks 7-9 (HTML, MS Access)
Exam 315%    Homeworks 10-12 (Multimedia, MS PowerPoint, DreamWeaver, PhotoShop)

Note: See the CSCI 100 official web page for the exact due dates of all homeworks. If you know that you will be out, I am willing to let you know about assignments ahead of time in case you would like to complete them before you go. If you have not tried this method before, I highly suggest that you do. It is a real thrill to come back and still be totally caught up.

Final Grades

Final grades will be assigned according to the following grade values based upon a total of 100 points.

A  =92.00+
A- =89.50-91.99
B+ =87.00-89.49
B  =82.00-86.99
B- =80.00-81.99
C+ =77.50-79.99
C  =73.00-77.49
C- =70.00-72.99
D+ =69.00-69.99
D  =67.00-68.99
D- =65.00-66.99
E  =Any grade below 65.00 (e.g. 64.99999)

Anticipated Exam Dates

The actual date for all exams will be announced at least 1 week in advance of the date each will be administered.

Course Activities, Reading Assignments, & Anticipated Order

1Introduction to a ComputerN/A
2Microsoft Office, Microsoft WindowsWindows Desktop, WordPad
3Microsoft WordMS Word Projects
4Microsoft ExcelMS Excel Projects
5HTMLIn class material and project
6Microsoft AccessMS Access Projects
7Microsoft PowerPointMS PowerPoint Projects
8Create A Web PageN/A

Grading Criteria and Rules

It is assumed that all students will have completed all course requirements by the scheduled date and time of the final examination for this course or earlier if specified on the assignment. It is each student's responsibility to be aware of all due dates and times for this course. All important dates for this course are located on the course's web page. The instructor will not chase down a student to make sure that he or she completes assignments or attends exams.

Assignments are to be written by each individual student without the aid of any other person besides the instructor of this course. General topics of computer science should be discussed freely with others at any time one chooses to do so. For instance, students standing at a blackboard, working out an example, is an example of very good students. Students sitting down together to do a spreadsheet assignment is an example of students who are both cheating and demonstrating academic dishonesty. Any form of academic dishonesty is self-serving, unfair, not nice, and not tolerated. You should consult your student handbook concerning college policies in this area. It's not worth having a stain for life simply to squeeze out a grade the sloppy way.

Assignments submitted must conform to the following rules.

Lateness and Assignment Submission Rules

Assignments must be handed directly to the instructor of this course when realistically possible. The times that are acceptable for handing in an assignment are

Students must realize that assignments that are incomplete, inaccurate, messy, or use hand written cover sheets will lose points. This course is all about office automation and products and as such will require complete usage of the tools.

Assignments will be accepted up to 1 week late. There will be a 5% per day loss of highest possible grade when an assignment is turned in late. Late begins 10 minutes after the class ends on the day the assignment is due. Weekends are free. (max 25% loss if exactly 1 week late)

After an assignment is one week late, the assignment automatically receives a permanent grade of zero.

Reading List & Additional Resources

Please see the instructor of this course for references to further information about topics related to this course or anything else for that matter as well. He would be more than glad to help you locate them.

Additional/Unique Aspects of the Course

This class is unique simply because of the individuals in it.

ADA (American with Disability Act) Statement

Students Diagnosed with a Disability-All individuals who are diagnosed with a disability are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. As such, you may be entitled to certain accommodations within this class. If you are diagnosed with a disability, please make an appointment to meet with Accessibility Resources, 133 Milne Library, ext. 2137. All students with the necessary supporting documentation will be provided appropriate accommodations as determined by the Accessibility Resources Office. It is your responsibility to contact Accessibility Resources and concurrently supply me with your accommodation plan, which will inform me exactly what accommodations you are entitled to. You will only receive accommodations once you provide me with an Accessibility Resources accommodation plan. Any previously recorded grades will not be changed.

© 2019 JW Ryder
State University of New York College at Oneonta